原帖由 qdyh888 于 2011-8-27 10:11 发表
When 18 years old i can do 7 times 1 day. But no i didn't do that. It's better to enjoy sex
原帖由 mldavid21 于 2011-8-30 19:23 发表
When I visit this website,other times I can not control myself.
原帖由 yenyenboy 于 2011-9-1 12:18 发表
actually it depends, if i have the feeling of doing it right now, i will. but sometimes i will control myself.
原帖由 qdyh888 于 2011-8-27 10:11 发表
When 18 years old i can do 7 times 1 day. But no i didn't do that. It's better to enjoy sex
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